Comprehensive Guide on Ant Control in Columbia, MO

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Ant infestations are a usual scenario that all homeowners in Columbia, MO face in their lives. Ants are generally small-sized insects. But their number, in case of infestation, makes for massive discomfort and inconvenience. This comprehensive guide is going to arm you with the information to help you identify different types of ants, their behavior and effect and some effective ant control strategies to remain free from ants and derive the maximum benefit of a healthy living environment.

Understanding an Ant Infestation

Ants are social insects. They have colonies and can be spread from a few dozen to million individuals. They are organized and locate food and water sources efficiently, hence persistent invaders.

Identification of Common Ant Species in Columbia, MO

There is more than one ant species prevalent in Columbia, MO. Each group has different types of behavior and nesting habits and needs different methods of control


Odorous House Ants – The small, dark brown to black ants cause a foul odor when crushed. Mainly found in a lot of numbers in kitchens and bathrooms as they are attracted by moisture and sweet foods.

Carpenter Ants – Larger than most other ant species, the Carpenter ants create their nest by hollowing out wood. And, hence, pose a great danger to people since they might cause structural damage. The ants are usually black or reddish black and live in decaying and damp wood.

Pavement Ants – The small, brown to black ants nest beneath the pavement and concrete cracks. They invade homes basically in search of food, especially sweets, and fatty substances.

Identification and Behavior

Effective ant management begins with the right identification. Identifying the species allows one to know about their behavior and, therefore, develop targeted methods of elimination.

Odorous House Ants

  • Identification: Small, dark brown or black ants, 1/8 inch long
  • Behavior: Sweet and oily/greasy food attract them. These kinds of ants are found trailing and also may nest indoors in walls, under floors, and insulation.

Carpenter Ants

  • Identification: Large ants, 1/4-1/2 inch long, black, or reddish-black
  • Behavior: These ants prefer damp and decaying wood to locate their nests. They do not eat wood, but they destroy wood to make their nest, and hence, cause severe wood damage.

Pavement Ants

  • Identification: Small, brown to black ants, 1/8 inch long
  • Behavior: These ants nest under pavement cracks and in foundation. They enter houses for food; hence, visible trailing is seen.

Ants Prevention Methods

  • Preventive ant infestations by making your home unattractive to them and sealing off entry points for the pest
  • Elimination of food sources of ants:
  • Proper food storage for both dry and solids: Store food in airtight containers. This is particularly important for sweet and greasy foods.
  • Cleaning: Food spills should be wiped off right away; counters maintained clean by sweeping floors. Also, wipe up any leftover food particles especially from under kitchen appliances.
  • Garbage: Regularly dispose of wastes, and the garbage bin should have a sealing so that ants cannot trail.
  • Seal off: Examine your home and seal up spaces between crevices, cracks, and gaps, including those around windows and doors, and around the foundation. Use caulk or weather stripping.
  • Screened windows and doors: Maintain windows and doors in good condition and seal off all the possible entry points of the ants. Repair or replace torn screens and ensure the screens fit snug in the window or door frame.

Control Excess Moisture

  • Fix Leaks: Leaking pipes, taps, and leaks from the ceiling should be repaired in due time to prevent creating avenues for moisture that attract ants.
  • Ventilation: It should be with proper ventilation in crawlspace, attic, and basement to do away with high humidity.

Ant Control Methods

Below are ways of making control that can bring about elimination once one is under infestation of ants.

Do-It-Yourself Ant Control Methods

  • Baits: Purchase ant baits to attract foraging ants for a colony of ants. They will trap that bait and carry it back to their colonies and feed it to other ants and the queen. That way, it is a control method for entire colonies.
  • Home Remedies: Home remedies to popular sprays beings vinegar, lemon juice, and essential oils like peppermint. Spray them in places of their activities—mine models substance like diatomaceous earth or borax to make a barrier.

Professional Ant Control

Heavy infestations or reoccurring instances of infestation should call for the use of professional pest control services in Columbia, MO. Professionals have the training and experience. They also can do a much better job in controlling ant colonies.

  • Inspection: An extensive inspection to identify the species, extent of infestation, and possible entry points.
  • Custom Treatment Plans: Expertise in developing treatment-plan tailor-made to the particular ant species and the infestation intensity.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance: Regular follow-up visits ensure that the ant problem is resolved and prevent future infestations.

Benefits of Professional Pest Control in Columbia, MO

There are some advantages of hiring a professional pest control service.

  • Expert Knowledge: Professionals have been trained in the identification of ant species and know their behavior to be able to identify and control them.
  • Safe and Effective Treatments: Generally, the products and techniques used by professionals are more effective and safe for use in homes with children and pets.
  • Long-Term Solutions: Professionals ensure that the control solutions are comprehensive and, in the process, address the root cause of the infestation. Consequently, the home is protected for a long time to come.


Ant infestations are a significant source of nuisance and increase health risks in homes for any homeowner in Columbia, MO. Homeowners can protect their houses from these nagging pests by knowing different species of ants, their behavior, and effective methods of avoiding and control. Sanitation, entry point sealing, and moisture reduction are the key actions in which prevention would be successful. For severe infestation, professional pest control in Columbia, MO has the expertise and solutions to assure a home without pests. Do not let ants invade your home. Ants can be a huge problem. Get in touch with Goldies Pest Control for professional ants control services in and around Columbia, MO, today. Visit us at or reach us at (573) 484-8881 to book an inspection.