Rodent Control - Columbia, MO

Having uninvited rodents in your Columbia, MO home is concerning on multiple levels. Beyond the discomfort and unease they provoke, rodents pose significant health risks and property damage. They introduce diseases, parasites, and can cause destruction to your home and possessions. At Goldie's Pest Control, we provide reliable rodent services in Columbia, MO. Our aim is to not only eradicate existing infestations but also to establish robust preventive measures for the future.
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Why Professional Treatment Is Essential for Rodents

Rodents pose significant threats to property owners in Columbia, MO. In homes, they gnaw on surfaces, contaminate food, leave smear marks, droppings, and urine, causing a nuisance to residents. Businesses face similar issues, with rodents damaging inventory, risking the safety of customers and employees, and harming reputation.

Moreover, eradicating rodents is exceptionally challenging. Successful elimination requires specific knowledge of their whereabouts and effective targeting methods. Without this expertise, DIY attempts may catch some rodents but won't resolve the infestation.

At Goldie's Pest Control, we have a proven track record of safeguarding homes and businesses across the Columbia, MO, area. Utilizing cutting-edge tools and field-tested techniques, we deliver enduring solutions that not only eradicate rodents but also prevent future infestations.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee - With our rodent control service, we guarantee we'll return to service your traps until the rodents in your home or business are eliminated. As each infestation is unique, the length of time associated with this guarantee varies on a case-by-case basis.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
What are the signs I have a rodent infestation?
Signs of a rodent infestation include small, dark droppings found in cabinets, drawers, or along baseboards. Gnaw marks on food packaging, walls, or furniture indicate their presence, as rodents constantly gnaw to keep their teeth trimmed. Nests made of shredded materials like paper or fabric may be found in hidden areas such as attics or behind appliances. Nocturnal scratching or scurrying noises in walls or ceilings are common, along with greasy smear marks left along walls and baseboards.Sometimes, rodents are spotted directly, especially at night when they are most active. Additionally, chewed food packaging may indicate their presence. Pets may exhibit unusual behavior, such as scratching or sniffing at walls, indicating they sense rodents.If any of these signs are present, it's crucial to act promptly to address the infestation. Ignoring the problem can lead to further damage to your home and pose health risks to you and your family. Contacting a professional pest control service like Goldie's Pest Control in Columbia, MO, can help effectively eliminate rodents and prevent future infestations, ensuring the safety and well-being of your home and loved ones.
What is the difference between mice and rats?
Mice and rats, while both common rodent pests, have distinct differences. Rats are typically larger, measuring about 12 to 18 inches in length, including the tail, compared to mice, which are usually around 5 to 8 inches long, including the tail. Additionally, rats have larger heads, feet, and ears relative to their body size compared to mice. Their tails are longer, thicker, and scaly compared to the longer but thinner and more uniform tails of mice. Behaviorally, rats are more cautious and wary of changes in their environment, while mice tend to be more curious and exploratory.Reproductively, rats have longer gestation periods and produce fewer offspring per litter compared to mice. Rats typically have litters of 6 to 12 pups, whereas mice can produce litters of up to 10 to 12 pups every three weeks.While both rodents are omnivorous, rats prefer grains, fruits, and vegetables, while mice may consume smaller amounts of food and gnaw on a wider range of materials. Understanding these differences can help in effective pest control measures tailored to the specific rodent species present.
Do rodents carry diseases?
Yes, rodents can carry and transmit various diseases to humans through direct contact, contaminated food or water, or through their droppings, urine, or saliva. Some of these diseases include hantavirus, which causes severe respiratory illness; salmonellosis, resulting in food poisoning; leptospirosis, leading to flu-like symptoms; lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM), causing flu-like symptoms and potentially severe complications; rat-bite fever, resulting from bites or scratches; and plague, transmitted through flea bites or contact with rodent tissues or fluids.Preventing the spread of these diseases requires effective rodent control measures and hygiene practices. These include sealing entry points, removing potential food and water sources, keeping living spaces clean, and properly storing food. If a rodent infestation is suspected, it's crucial to seek professional pest control services to safely and effectively eliminate the problem and reduce the risk of disease transmission to humans. By taking proactive measures to control rodents, homeowners can help safeguard their health and well-being.

Rid of Rodents with Help from Goldie's Pest Control in Columbia, MO

Every case is unique, and our solutions are tailored to your specific needs.

Our general approach typically follows these steps:

Inspection: Upon arrival, our technician conducts a thorough inspection of your property, searching for signs of rodent activity indicating an infestation. This includes gnaw marks, rub marks, droppings, and any live or dead rodents. We also identify potential entry points rodents could be using to access your property. Our technicians remain vigilant for conducive conditions attracting rodents, such as firewood or sheds in poor condition.

Quality Rodent Control Treatments: Following the inspection, we install traps in areas like the attic and garage, and place rodent bait stations on the exterior, if necessary. In Columbia, MO, we often encounter roof rats and mice, which may enter through weep holes and improperly sealed air conditioner units. If entry points are detected, we seal them using materials like copper mesh, caulk, metal flashing, or hardware cloth.

Follow-Up: We return on a weekly basis until we are confident the entire rodent population in your home is eliminated or excluded. During these visits, we check traps, remove any rodents, and reset traps as needed. Additionally, we return promptly when you notify us that a trap has been activated. Trap servicing is included in our rodent control service. While we don't provide sanitation services, we offer reliable recommendations to prevent future rodent infestations.

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